That Rather Noticeable Tattoo

This morning whilst lazing around the beachside pool, my gaze was momentarily disturbed from thoughts of slumber as I glanced a rather attractive tall woman slowly pulling herself out of the water. What caught my eye, besides her long straight auburn hair, was her unique and quite enchanting full length back tattoo that weaved from the middle of her waist up to her right shoulder. Once out of the pool, she steadied herself, gave me a smile, then plunged back into the pool with an artistic dive leaving a minimal splash and swam underwater for a few metres and then resurfaced.

Now this tattoo got me thinking…no, not about that particular woman in the pool, but about how people create their own individual traits that make them different and unique.

Being ‘different’ is not really promoted in the corporate office, rather, everyone is actually encouraged to look and act the same. We all wear the same corporate uniform comprising ties, suits, or tailored skirts. You just don’t see someone rolling into the office with their face painted, in surfing board shorts and bare chested, or a strapless dress showing off their impressive back tattoo!

This lack of dress code diversity I think really impacts and stifles creativity. What is the first thing you typically do when you get home from work? If you are like me…the suit, shirt, shoes and tie are immediately discarded and something more ‘comfortable’ is worn (or not worn)…and immediately my thought is more relaxed and free!

Many corporate organisations have free dress days on Fridays. Typically office morale appears to improve as a consequence. So, what about having random free dress days throughout the working week which alternates between various work teams, that way, a constant mix of corporate dress conservatism and creative free dress will permeate continually amongst employees. Why not try the concept in your corporate office, I would be interested in the feedback!

Now as a side thought, you may be asking..what happens with corporate creativity in nudist colonies where no clothing restrictions apply? Well, I’m leaving that topic well alone!!

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  1. Brilliant post! I completely agree! I have always loved tattoo’s but have been so put off by society’s apparent hate of them. In many offices you have to cover tattoo’s or if you work in a school it is often thought that you must cover them. It’s a total shame as tattoo’s are something extremely personal and I assume that the people that have them want to show them off! Anyway great post 🙂

  2. Alex Fernando

     /  April 7, 2014

    I still remember your bow ties at work! I totally agree that work places need to encourage diversity and individualism – this fosters creativity and free thinking. I recently heard of an office in Perth where they encourage staff to take off their shoes and enjoy an in-office thinking space with beach sand.

  3. We have tried shorts off Tuesdays but that didn’t work. Well, it was fun, but distracting!

  4. A friend who works at Target Corporation (big retail in the US–thinking their only international is Canada) told me just last night that they recently went to casual attire all week long. She was smarted up in fun jeans and a cute little blazer–professional, but also creative and stylin’. I think you’re on to something, Steven!

    • Thanks Liz….I know that I feel heaps more creative when the corporate tie is discarded….and the bow tie, that just works a treat!


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