Sorry, “Operational Issues”

Those of you who fly Virgin Australia would all be aware of the frequency of flight cancellations where your departure has been delayed due to “operational issues”.

When you think Virgin Australia, what are the first two words that come immediately to mind? Yep, those dreaded words are “operational issues” that are received via an impersonal SMS letting you know your flight has been cancelled. And no, it’s not a random event, it happens regularly and is now an expected occurrence that you need to build into your travel plans.

Virgin travellers of Australia, it’s time for a flying revolt!

Unfortunately, the Star Trek technology where that famous quote of “Beam me up Scotty” does not yet exist, maybe one day, but alas, not yet. So what other options are there?

Referencing that 1972 political slogan of Gough Whitlam, yes, “It’s Time”, and that time is the fast bullet train that links the major capital cities of Australia. According to one study, it would just over 2 hours to travel from Melbourne to Sydney. Well, let’s get on with it!

“It’s Time” that Australian airlines realise that customer service is not just about moving paying passengers on a timetable that suits them, but one that actually meets the time needs of the buyer. Gosh, now wouldn’t that be nice!

What if a restaurant decided it didn’t suit them to deliver the meal that you ordered within say 30 minutes, rather it would be better owing to “operational issues” to cook and then serve up the plate 4 hours later, or even the following day? Would it be tolerated? Nope, because we have options to dine in a variety of restaurants. But this isn’t the case with Virgin or Qantas.

So let’s compare a bullet train with a Virgin flight from Melbourne to Sydney.

The Bullet TrainVirgin Australia
Leaves from the Melbourne CBD, arrives in the Sydney CBD. Is linked via public transport. Simple.Takes an hour to drive to the airport either by taxi or car (which you leave in an expensive carpark). You go through security (where you need to remove many of your clothes and other items). You wait for your plane to depart, which is never on time, or might be cancelled owing to “operational issues”
You can walk around the train, buy a drink, have some food.You are strapped into a chair, feeling like a sardine. Food (forget it).
Happy factor = highHappy factor = ask another question
“It’s Time”Say no more.

So, should anyone from the Australian Government be reading this post, don’t ignore it, but do heed the message as enough is enough. Something needs to be done, the preferred solution of “Beam me up Scotty” may occur one day, but in the interim, just focus on getting that bullet train going sooner rather than later!

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  1. Tim Finnegan

     /  February 14, 2024

    Steve you are singing my tune.

    in June 2022 we booked a one weeks holiday on the gold coast and paid $1200 for return flights on Virgin. On Saturday morning we turned up to the gate and received the dreaded “Operational Issues’ SMS while in the gate.

    We were offered a replacement flight on Tuesday nearly half way through our holiday. We declined and made a road trip of the holiday. We were offered a replacement flight if we took it within 12 months.

    I booked anther holiday in July of 2023 but as it was passed the twelve month deadline we were declined. Maybe we could book somewhere before June? I don’t know about you but I refuse to rearrange my schedule and leave plans to fit in with an airline.

    so we are out of pocket $1200.


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